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What the hell is a Padania?

Shanghaiist, uno dei siti migliori per capire quanto succede a
Shanghai in termini di eventi, sensazioni, cultura e altro,
stamattina ho trovato questo:

to the ever-excellent Football
Weekly podcast from Guardian Unlimited the other day, we stumbled across the
story of the Tibetan "national" team playing against
Padania this week in Milan. If you’re thinking "how can Tibet
have a national team?" or "what the hell is a Padania?"
then you’ve clearly never heard of the Viva World Cup
Frankly, you probably wouldn’t be the only one.

Viva World Cup is a football (or soccer, if you speak American)
competition, organised by the New Federation Board
for nations that don’t technically exist. The inaugural competition
was held in 2006 in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and the
idea is that it will take place every two years. This year’s finals
will be held in the Swedish town of Gällivare in Sápmi
(or Lapland as it’s more commonly known), the "nation" that
triumphed at the last Viva World Cup finals.

Shanghaiist’s friends, Im going to explain u what Padania is:
it is some kind of italian politicians invention, to
justify the difference between North (Padania) and South Italy
(“terroni”, in their speeches). Since about 1989 a Party, called
Lega Nord”, promoted either secession or larger autonomy for
Padania, and it went as far as to define its potential flag
and potential national anthem. They use to meet in Pontida, every
year, to swear by Padania’s flag, dressed up with ancient and
ridicolous clothes. It seem something of laughable, but alas it’s

are in the Italian Government now, with their, because he’s
not “mine” new…Prime Minister Berlusconi. One of the leader of
Lega Nord Party is, starting from yesterday, our Home Office
Minister. The LN’s leader is our Reform Minister…

rallying cry is (literary translation): our dick is very hard (im
nok kidding u…).

political purpose is to realize the federalism, because they
think that North part of Italy is the “hard workers” side and
the South is only yobs and mafias…They are against immigrates,
Italy’s south citizens and everything they consider “different”.
Racist, roughs, they are the real winner of the last Italy’s
political election. So u can uderstand our (italian) political
situation: Berlusconi, Lega Nord, and fascists. Long story short:
they rules now…:-(

Posted in Pizi Wenxue.

2 Responses

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  1. cauz. says

    ma il principato di monaco non e’ riconosciuto dalla fifa?!
    comunque grande vittoria della padania 14 a 2. peccato non essere riuscito ad andare all’arena a vederla.. 🙂