in Cina sono stati proclamati 3 giorni di lutto nazionale, iniziati dalla mezzanotte di ieri, fino a tutto mercoledì.
All’una circa ho acceso la televisione. Non capivo perché mi
fossero spariti tutti i canali, vedevo solo CCTV. Stamattina ho
capito anche un’altra cosa: perché non vedo Youtube e un tot
di altri siti.
seguito una circolare emessa dal Ministero della Propaganda, per
regolamentare la tre giorni di lutto, in attesa, alle 14.28 precise
di oggi (ora della scossa che una settimana fa ha squartato il
Sichuan), del minuto di silenzio nelle case, uffici, locali, a cui
risponderanno i clacson e le sirene di ogni auto, moto, camion, nave
all propaganda departments, online propaganda units and foreign
affairs offices, and to the various bureaus and websites in all
cities and counties:
State Council has gazetted May 19-21 as national days for mourning.
In line with the spirit of the Central Foreign Affairs Office’s
emergency notice, the requirements are as follows:
All websites are to immediately report and give priority to reports
on the national mourning days declared by the Central Government, the
State Council and in your province. While spreading the word online,
also exhaust all mobile means including SMS, MMS, etc. The statement
by the State Council is to be given priority spacing on the home page
of all major websites.
All websites are to stop all entertainment activities and services
for three days. From May 19 00:00 to May 21 24:00, all gaming
websites and gaming channels of major portals are to shut down; Cover
all entertainment channels on websites and programmes with a message
of mourning, and none of the other pages within these channels should
be accessible; All entertainment BBS’s are to be shut; All music and
video search functions at search engine portals to be shut; All
entertainment advertisements should be offline.
Thorough organisation of the online mourning campaign. The online
atmosphere of all portals should be in line with the national
mourning period. All news portals and commercial portals are to
organise online mourning campaigns that allow for participation by
netizens, and should reflect the grief and patriotism of netizens in
an all-round manner.
Thoroughly manage online discussion. All propaganda bureaus and
foreign affairs offices in all cities and counties to operate on a 24
hour basis, and each shift is to have a supervisor. For
implementation details please call Online Propaganda Bureau
Proper implementation. All propaganda bureaus and foreign affairs
offices and all relevant departments are to work together and to get
the above instructions to all news portals, commercial portals,
government portals under their control, and mobilise all resources to
supervise the implementation. All propaganda bureaus and foreign
affairs offices in various cities and all staff are to be involved to
ensure a timely and proper implementation of the work instructions.
Strict discipline for those departments, localities and websites that
have not kept in line with standards. Closure awaits non-compliant
portals and investigation to follow to pinpoint responsibility.