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China, Tibet e Coca Cola

foto e commento da un blog cinese…che ha scoperto il cartellone pubblicitario (a sinistra), in una stazione ferroviaria di Brema, in Germania….:-)

three monks are Tibetan lamas

The rollercoaster ride represents

"Make it real" means that Coca Cola intends
to bring "freedom" to the Tibet

Comments…: "From
today on, I will not drink Coca-Cola. I will mobilize all my friends
and classmates to refuse to drink Coca-Cola too."

will organize spontaneously to make sure that companies that support
Tibetan independence will lose their China market. No more Coca-cola
from now on, and it is an unhealthy drink anyway…

Il blog in questione è questo, mentre non si possono non segnalare altre due cose:

– infuriano le ipocrite prese di posizione sulla fiaccola, mentre è silenzio in altre zone, dove a morire sono gli uiguri. Ma chi se ne frega, sono pure musulmani. Meglio parlare di Tibet, Richard Gere, Roberto Baggio eccetera.

– Inoltre, mentre infuria la polemica, la Cina procede nei suoi accordi internazionali… 

– in Cina fanno tanto e velocemente: il più veloce instant book della terra, versione cinese, sulla verità in Tibet (e qui link al sito cinese anti CNN in cui sono esposte le accuse dei cinesi, con confronti tra  video, foto e reportage, su quanto riportato dai media occidentali a proposito di Tibet).

Giusto per farsi un’idea a 300 gradi (come diceva il Professore…:-)

Posted in Pizi Wenxue.

2 Responses

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  1. b. says

    La vicenda oggi è stata ripresa anche dal Guardian, con tanto di risposta della Coca Cola:
    First Tibetan exile groups attacked Coca-Cola for sponsoring the Olympic torch relay. Now the soft drink company is under fire from the other side of the political divide – with Chinese nationalists boycotting the brand after a blogger claimed one of its adverts supported Tibetan independence.

    The poster – spotted in a German railway station – shows Buddhist monks on a rollercoaster with the slogan: “Make it real”. It stirred the ire of an expatriate Chinese blogger, who posted a photograph on the popular Tianya website. “Germany has started to really show adverts for Tibetan independence. Coca-Cola! Okay, I will remember. From now on I will not touch this shitty product,” he wrote, “The three monks represent Tibetan lamas. They are riding a rollercoaster, which represents freedom. ‘Make it real’ means ‘make this [ie freedom] real’,” he added.

    While one commenter suggested his interpretation was “far-fetched”, many more leapt to his support, pledging to stop drinking Coca-Cola.

    A spokesperson from Coca Cola said last night: “We regret if the use of an image featuring monks from an old print advertising campaign from 2003 has caused any offence. This was certainly not our intention … The old image was being used in the window of a shop in Bremen and has since been taken down … This image was designed to encourage people to try something new. The image is not linked to Tibet and is in no way an expression of support for any political issue … “