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[Shanghai] Libertà e perline colorate

[intro: L‘uomo occidentale proprio non riesce a trattenersi: deve autocelebrarsi. Ora partono i proclami e gli osanna ai salvatori dei poveri cinesi sofferenti e dimessi: i giornalisti occidentali! Quelli che non nascondono niente, che non accettano diktat, che non scrivono le marchette, che smerdano tutti. Come dire ai cinesi: arrivano i nostri e sarete folgorati dalla nostra strepitosa libertà di comunicazione…Eccone il primo esempio.]

I found this website, Play the Game for Open Journalist: the
2008 Beijing Olympics is a significant event in the relationship
between China and the media. For the first time in recent history
foreign journalists have been granted the right to work freely
without interference from Chinese authorities.
completely true:
in Beijing reported earlier today that Facebook seemed to be
blocked. It was accessible in Shanghai this afternoon, but now seems
to be blocked nationwide).

what’s this Play the Game for Open Journalist? Play the Game is a non-profit democracy
advocacy organization
(produced by the international federation of journalist (sticazzi…)
working in global athletic coverage. They
produced a website with a series of helpful tools for reporters
during the Beijing Olympic Games. So,
they say, foreigner journalist will better know chinese culture,
habits, traditions, and chinese journalist will appreciate
learn to open its own media channels

maybe: during the Olympic Games, chinese journalists will understand that our communication and mainstream media…are
not so free. Example:
what are the differences between chinese People’s Daily and italian Corriere
della Sera
Play the game…(here a suggestion to play…)

Posted in Pizi Wenxue.